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Medical Aid NameMedical Aid numberNextWCAWCA Please tick the above box should this be a WCA case.If yes, please include company nameDate of injuryPlease upload any relevant WCA documents Click or drag a file to this area to upload. NextPlease select the below, where applicable:Urgent casePortableIf urgent, please selectInpatientOutpatientWard: Clinical Indication *ICD 10Please complete the relevant ICD 10 codes Examination Requested *XRayCTMRIMammogramUltrasound Interventional BMDFluoroscopyPlease select any (or all) of the above modalities, to expand for specific examinations. If applicable, select the side to be examined *N/ALeft RightBothXray Options - please select the preferred procedureParanasal SinusesShoulderPelvis & HipMaximillio-Facial BonesElbowHipCervical SpineUpper limbLower LimbThoracic SpineWristKneeLumbar SpineHandAnkleChestAbdomenFootChest & RibsPelvisXray Maximillio-Facial Bones SpecificCephalogramOrthopantomogramMandibleFacial BonesNasal BonesXray Chest SpecificPA & LateralSingle ViewSAF Chest Portable ImmigrationDivingCountry for VISA Chest Xray Upper limb SpecificForearmHumerusXray Wrist SpecificStandardScapiodXray Hand Specific StandardFingersXray Abdomen SpecificSingleSupine & ErectXray Pelvis SpecificPA & Lateral False Profile ViewWeight-bearingXray Pelvis & Hip SpecificPA & Lateral False Profile ViewWeight-bearingXray Lower Limb SpecificFemurTib-FibXray Knee SpecificAP & LateralPatellaMultiple ViewsStress Weight-bearingXray Ankle SpecificStandardStress Weight-bearingXray Foot SpecificStandardWeight-bearingPlease enter examination request, if not covered by the above.Ultrasound Options - please select the preferred procedureU/S DopplerU/S HandU/S Renal tract & bladderU/S soft tissue of the neckU/S Upper Limb Soft TissueU/S TestesU/S ThyroidU/S Upper abdomenU/S GroinU/S BreastU/S Abdomen + pelvisU/S Lower limb soft tissueU/S Chest WallU/S Abdominal wallU/S KneeU/S ShoulderU/S Pelvis TransabdominalU/S AnkleU/S WristU/S Pelvis TransvaginalU/S FootU/S Doppler specific Carotids and Vertebrals (20220) Venous Lower Limbs & Peripheral (70230)Ultasound specific StandardBiopsySteriod InjectionPlease enter examination request, if not covered by the above. CT Options - please select the preferred procedureCT StrokeCT Lumbar SpineCT Renal Tract for a stoneCT BrainCT ChestCT ColonoscopyCTA Head/NeckCTPACT Bony PelvisCT BOS to symph pubisCTA Heart VesselsCTA Pheripheral OutflowCT SinusesCT Calcium Score (Cardiac)CT KneeCT Facial BonesCT TAVI assessmentCT AnkleCT Temporal BonesCTA Thoracic Aorta & BranchesCT PlanningCTA CarotidCTA Abdo Aorta & BranchesCT DrainageCT Soft tissue of the neckCTACT Abscess + Cyst DrainageCT Cervical SpineCT Chest, Abdo & PelvisCT FNA BiopsyCT Thoracic SpineCT Abdo & PelvisCTA Brain Specifc CTA Extracranial Neck CTA Intracranial BrainCT Sinuses specific LimitedFull studyCT Chest SpecificArterial High-resCT ContrastNo Contrast Contrast Pre- & Post contrast Is this a limited study?LimitedPlease enter examination request, if not covered by the above.MRI Options - please select the preferred procedureMR BrainMR Lumber SpineMR Bony Pelvis (Hips)MRA BrainMR Sacro-Iliac JointsMR Soft Tissue PelvisMR OrbitsMR Whole Body ScreeningMR ShoulderMR TM JointsMRA CardiacMR Upper ArmIAMSMR BreastMR ElbowMR Pituitary FossiaMR EnterographyMR ForearmMR Cervical SpineMR Liver/PancreasMR Hand & WristMR Brachial PlexusMRCPMR FemurMRA CarotidsMR Abdomen with MRCPMR KneeMRA Brain & CarotidsMR KidneysMR AnkleMR Thoracic SpineMR ProstateMR FootMRI Contrast No Contrast Contrast Pre- & Post contrast Is this a limited study? LimitedPlease enter examination request, if not covered by the above.Mammogram specificMammogramStereotactic BiopsyVABFluoroscopy SpecificInterventional SpecificCOVID IndicationsNon-COVID patientPUI COVID+ patientNextPreferred branch for examination *Please select your preferred branchLife Vincent Pallotti | 021 531 7635Mediclinic Cape Town | 021 424 2332Mediclinic Milnerton | 021 551 6330Melomed Mitchells Plain | 021 276 3610Melomed Bellville | 021 946 1020Melomed Gatesville | 021 637 8121Melomed Richards Bay | 087 828 8900Melomed Tokai | 021 276 1789 Netcare Christiaan Barnard | 021 424 8090Rondebosch Medical Centre | 021 689 7717Centralized MRI | 021 276 1253Medicross KenilworthMedicross LangebergMedicross ParowMedicross Tableview Medicross Tokai Intercare Century CityReferrer Name and Surname *FirstLastReferrer Practice number *Referrer contact numberReferrer email *Please include the email where you would like to receive a copy of the form submitted to our reception desk. 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