Xero Viewer
What is XERO?
XERO is a web-based medical imaging service intended for use by all our referring physicians or healthcare professionals. It provides access to radiology images and reports.
What does XERO do?
XERO enables authenticated users to search for and display available patient studies (reports and images) using a browser on a PC or mobile device. XERO is designed for reviewing medical imaging studies, and not for primary diagnosis.
How do I access XERO?
Access XERO Viewer by going to https://mobile.morton.co.za/ and using your login details to access the patient’s information.
If you have not yet accessed XERO before, please contact our PACS support centre to help register your profile.
Contact them on: (021) 276 2019 or imaging@morton.co.za
System Preferences:
Xero Viewer is a web-based imaging platform and is thus system agnostic (i.e. will work on Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android).
Our IT team recommends using Chrome to access XERO for an optimal user experience.
Need help?
Please click here to download our quick start guide.