
Interventional Radiology

Before the intervention radiology (IR)

You will be advised of specific preparations for your procedure when making your booking at our branch.
Please inform our receptionist of any medical conditions and chronic medications that have been prescribed for you. Or if there is any possibility that they might be pregnant.

In most cases, you should take your usual medications, especially blood pressure medications. These may be taken with sips of water on the morning of your procedure.
Specific blood tests and/or fasting (no food or liquid) may be required prior to your procedure.

Before the procedure, your radiologist will explain the process to you and obtain the Patient Medical questionnaire and consent form from you.

For more information about your specific type of intervention, please consult with our expert team when making your appointment.

After the intervention radiology:
Depending on your procedure you might be instructed to stay in hospital (hours/days) or curtail your physical activities for a few days.

If you are anxious, or in severe pain, oral or intravenous sedation or analgesia may be required. If either of the above is administered, you will be unable to drive or operate machinery. Please arrange for someone who can drive you home after the procedure, if required to.

Digital images and reports will be available to your referring doctor after you procedure has been completed.

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