
Ultrasound Imaging

Before and after the ultrasound

Before the ultrasound:
There are little to no special preparations required for general Ultrasound examinations.

Ultrasound imaging for certain examinations is however optimized when the appropriate preparatory procedures have been followed.
Therefore, in the event of a specialised examination, you will be advised in advance of the procedure and preparation required for this.

*Please refer to your specific ultrasound procedure for basic preparatory information.

For both general and specialised Ultrasound examinations, patients are advised to leave all jewellery at home and to wear loose, comfortable clothing.

After the ultrasound:
Digital images and reports are available to your referring doctor as soon as the radiologists have viewed the examination and reported on the findings. The radiologist, on occasion, may discuss preliminary results with you at the time of scanning, if necessary and appropriate.

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