
Ultrasound Imaging


The most common reason for elastography is to check your liver for fibrosis, which happens in the early stages and may advance to late stage or cirrhosis of your liver.
Your referring doctor may order elastography if you have risk factors, signs or symptoms of cirrhosis.

Elastography is a test that uses painless, low-frequency vibrations to check the elasticity of your body’s organs.
When tissues lack elasticity and are stiff, it may signal disease, especially in the liver.

What to expect:

Before your Elastography scan, our friendly reception team will inform you of any preparations prior to your scan.

On the day of the Elastography scan, the radiologist will apply a clear, water-based gel to your skin to help reduce friction.
While moving the handheld transducer, the wand will send painless, low-frequency vibration into your body.
The computer will turn these vibrations into an image of the relevant organ, which will help the radiologist determine the size, shape and consistency – including stiffness or wether it’s filled with fluid.

The whole procedure normally takes less than 15 minutes.

Your images will be shared directly with your referring doctor and shared with you via the MyMorton platform

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